Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Avalon VT737SP Class A Tube Channel Strip

Avalon VT737SP Class A Tube Channel Strip Review

Avalon VT737SP Class A Tube Channel Strip Feature

  • Circuit topology Four dual triode vacuum tubes (Sovtek 6922), high-voltage discrete Class A
  • Gain Range Microphone: Transformer balanced 850/2500 ohm, 0dB to +58dB Instrument:
  • Maximum input level and connector types Microphone26dB@25Hz, +30dB@1kHz balanced XLR
  • Line +36dB balanced XLR
  • Maximum output level +30dB balanced 600 ohms, DC coupled, discrete Class A
  • Instrument+30dB unbalanced front panel jack socket
The Avalon VT737SP features a combination of TUBE preamplifiers, opto-compressor, sweep EQ, output level and VU metering. VT737SP's preamp provides a 48V phantom powered input, an Instrument DI and a balanced line input. The Opto-compressor features twin Class A tube triodes for gain matching. Full dynamic control from soft compression to hard-knee limiting can be achieved with threshold, ratio-compression, attack and release controls plus gain reduction selection on the large VU meter. Special spectral control including de-ess is available with the dual sweep mid EQ to side-chain switch. The EQ section can be flipped pre or post-compressor. The high and low EQ bands provide the smooth characteristics of an all passive design, while the dual mid bands include variable frequency and switched Q-width selection. Whether you're recording a solo vocalist or an acoustic instrument, mastering, or recording symphonies, let Avalon take you to the leading edge in analog and experience sonic reality like never before! Avalon VT737SP Features Vacuum tube triode signal path Soft-start tube life extender Stereo link for compressors Sealed silver relays for signal routing Transformer balanced microphone input High-voltage circuits for max headroom and low noise Discrete Class A equalizer with musical passive filter Internal discrete power supply with toroidal transformer Large control knobs with professional conductive plastic potentiometers VU meter for output level monitoring and compressor gain reduction Great Unit. Allows the user to slam into the red! The Avalon VT737SP is a great unit. It has so many strengths that basically you could say that as a MIC Pre/Channel Strip goes, this is in the top 10% of all of the units out there. The best thing about the Avalon 737 is that the unit allows the user to slam into the red without the distortion and craziness of similiarly priced units. And this opens all types of Harmonic possibilities. In my studio the Avalon supercedes much pos

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